A White version of the Framing the Hammer logo, including a framed, hand-drawn hammer icon in a hand-drawn frame.


Join Executive Director Gavin Lodge as he hosts our podcast, Framing the Hammer, featuring conversations with diverse voices from across the American creative economy. In Framing the Hammer, guests from throughout the American creative economy share their work in their cultural entities, their passion for culture and their artistic inspirations from throughout their lives. These are the makers, the doers, the workers who contribute to American culture and thus American identity. Titled after a high school project in which a classroom debated whether or not a framed hammer could (or could not) be considered art, Framing the Hammer reminds us American arts and culture permeates our society far beyond just Hollywood or pop music icons (though Hollywood and pop music icons are invited, too.) 


In episode 114 of Framing the Hammer, we chat with Richard Deming, Yale Director of Creative Writing and author of the recently published, This Exquisite Loneliness: What Loners, Outcasts and the Understood Can Teach Us About Creativity.
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The Force (of the Creative Economy) Awakens

In Episode 113 of Framing the Hammer, we chat with Jason McGatlin, a Hollywood producer who worked on films such as The Adventures of TinTin, Volcano, and the Disney+ series, The Mandalorian, and (not least of all), the seventh, eighth and ninth of the Star Wars series,...
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sonic branding is the new sonic boom

4A Arts dives into another aspect of the creative economy in our discussion with creative director Danni Venne of Made Music Studio. Her firm specializes in “sonic branding” or, as Danni puts it, “The audio equivalent of a visual logo.”
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Are your musicians ethically sourced?

Join us as we chat with Hilary Perkins, founder of Whippoorwill Arts (www.whippoorwillarts.org) a nonprofit advocating for music and musicians that recently underwent a comprehensive report on recommended wages for working musicians. We talk about the report that makes ...
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