Center for Arts in Medicine Framework

Center for Arts in Medicine Framework

Arts+ This is so exciting. Look at this really clear, concise and compelling look at the impact of arts, culture, design and craft in health outcomes. University of Florida’s Center for Arts in Medicine shared this evidence-based framework for arts and culture...
Florida’s Economy Impacted by Museums

Florida’s Economy Impacted by Museums

Arts+ Museums enrich us personally and also communally…bringing education, inspiration, and financial investment.  Download the report from the American Alliance of Museums at the link below.  Read...
Arts Participation and Good Health

Arts Participation and Good Health

Arts+ According to the Cultural Learning Alliance’s 2017 “Key Research Findings: the value of cultural learning,” people who take part in the arts are 38% more likely to report good health.   Read the full study at the link below.  Read...
FDR at the opening of MOMA

FDR at the opening of MOMA

Arts+ In 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke at the opening of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and all of us at 4A Arts find this quote particularly resonant, as we work to democratize, catalyze, and prioritize arts, culture, design and craft in this...
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