Inspiring Ideas about Arts in America
Here at 4A Arts, we frequently emphasize the way art strengthens communities. It creates ties that bind, helps people push past vulnerabilities, cures loneliness, helps us demonstrate self-expression, dismantles facades, and (some might say most importantly)...
Part of the 4As team was lucky to make a trek to Calgary for the 2022 Western Arts Alliance (WAA) conference. WAA iss a community of presenters and managers who collaborate to bring performing arts to audiences in the Western region of the United States and Canada. In...
Members of our staff were fortunate to attend the SWAIA (Southwestern Association for Indian Arts) Art Market in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was a profound, inspirational, educational, political, eye-opening, joyous display of Native art from across North America. There...
How many of us, as children or otherwise, have gone on some outdoor adventure and brought home a rock or shell? Perhaps it was a stone of unusual smoothness, or a piece of quartz that sparkled, or a shell with a fluted pink inner curve. We carry them home and place...
Greetings! I’m thrilled to welcome you to 4A Arts. “Thrilled” might seem hyperbolic, but it’s no exaggeration. I firmly believe that American arts and culture can rebuild our tattered republic. I firmly believe that the 4As’ mission can help build a membership of...