

Cutting-edge studies on the impact of the arts

Our Research

4A Arts aims to create cutting-edge research that delves into the immense economic and social impacts of arts and culture. From new insights into the creative economy to studies of the reality of artists’ conditions to forward-thinking position papers on industry trends, 4A Arts intends to change the narrative of the arts in the United States to one where the average American is not only knowledgeable but proud of the way arts and culture color and shape our everyday lives.

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With an economic footprint of over $1 trillion per year, arts and culture is a powerhouse contributor to the American GDP.

A hand-drawn icon of a ticket to an event


From advances in artificial intelligence to civic and community engagement, we are rethinking the role of arts and culture in America.

An illustration of an institution.


American arts and culture have long been devalued and disregarded, to the detriment of America’s well-being and unique identity on the global stage.

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Nearly 4.9 million American workers work in arts and culture and are uniquely vulnerable to market conditions and economic upheaval.

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4A Arts believes arts and culture are basic human rights and powerful tools for building a healthy society. As a nonprofit social movement, we seek to democratize, catalyze, and prioritize arts, culture, design and craft in American society. Our goals include increased public support for the creative economy (commensurate with its impact on the American economy) by all levels of government, and creation of a Secretary of Arts and Culture.


© 4A Arts 2024

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