Arts Impact on Social Cohesion

Arts Impact on Social Cohesion

Arts+ While we may disagree that arts, culture, design and craft are “not useful in the way that STEM is useful” we DO endorse Francie Lin’s idea in The Bostonn Globe that the human connection they foster is a balm for society, and build belonging...
Music as a Rehabilitative Tool

Music as a Rehabilitative Tool

Arts+ Music enriches life at any age and it is never too late to learn a new skill. The full report (by González-Ojea, M.J.; Domínguez-Lloria, S.; Pino-Juste, M. and entitled “Can Music Therapy Improve the Quality of Life of Institutionalized Elderly...
Musical Training increases Cognitive Flexibility

Musical Training increases Cognitive Flexibility

Arts+ Training to play a musical instrument is a way to keep your brain nimble and memory sharp! Read the report authored by Pentika¨inen E, Pitka¨niemi A, Siponkoski S-T, Jansson M, Louhivuori J, Johnson JK, et al. (2021) entitled “Beneficial effects of choir...
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