

The Force (of the Creative Economy) Awakens

The Force (of the Creative Economy) Awakens

In Episode 113 of Framing the Hammer, we chat with Jason McGatlin, a Hollywood producer who worked on films such as The Adventures of TinTin, Volcano, and the Disney+ series, The Mandalorian, and (not least of all), the seventh, eighth and ninth of the Star Wars series, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker .

Are your musicians ethically sourced?

Are your musicians ethically sourced?

Join us as we chat with Hilary Perkins, founder of Whippoorwill Arts (www.whippoorwillarts.org) a nonprofit advocating for music and musicians that recently underwent a comprehensive report on recommended wages for working musicians. We talk about the report that makes suggested base and graduated pay for musicians of all types, stripes, and locations.

Press Release: Introducing 4A Arts – American Alliance of Artists and Audiences: A Catalyst for Transforming America Through Arts and Culture 

4A Arts (American Alliance of Artists and Audiences) is a revolutionary advocacy organization igniting a social movement to change the narrative around American arts and culture for American society and consequently influence the way local, state, and federal officials support and fuel the American creative economy. With the launch of this strategic and timely movement, they announce the mission statement, board of directors, and passionate team.

Hyperreality and Pumpkin Spice Lattes: Contemplating Arts and AI

Hyperreality and Pumpkin Spice Lattes: Contemplating Arts and AI

In episode 111 of “Framing the Hammer”, we chat with artists Boris Eldagsen and Jason M. Allen about their respective approaches to, uses of, and accolades in artificial intelligence and their artworks. We foster a conversation with opposing views and find that they are actually quite aligned in their views of art and artificial intelligence, not to mention Plato’s Theory of Forms and Baudrillard’s theory of simulacra.



In this episode of Framing the Hammer, we speak with Elena K. Holy, founder and director of the New York International Fringe Festival as well as the 4A Arts general manager.

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