Studying the Arts increases Voting

Studying the Arts increases Voting

Arts+ According to the Cultural Learning Alliance’s 2017 “Key Research Findings: the value of cultural learning,” students from low-income families who engage in the arts at school are 20% more likely to vote as young adults.   Read the full...
Arts Improve Academic Performance

Arts Improve Academic Performance

Arts+ According to the Cultural Learning Alliance’s 2017 “Key Research Findings: the value of cultural learning,” children who take part in arts activities in the home during their early years are ahead in reading and maths at age nine.   Read...
JFK Kennedy Center Inscription

JFK Kennedy Center Inscription

Arts+ Here is a quote from President John F. Kennedy that reminds us very much of the opening phrase of our own 4A Arts mission statement: “We believe that arts and culture are basic human rights and powerful tools for building a whole and healthy...
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