Fine Artists in New Mexico

Fine Artists in New Mexico

Arts+ Congratulations, New Mexico! You’re #1 in fine artists per capita, and that probably means residents of New Mexico are happier and healthier, and you’re drawing more visitors, as well!  Read the report from Creative New Mexico at the link below. ...
Museums in Mass

Museums in Mass

Arts+ Going to a museum enriches the visitor’s life but also enriches the visitor’s community! Download the report from American Alliance of Museums at the link below.  Read...
Georgia’s Creative Industries

Georgia’s Creative Industries

Arts+ Creative industries contribute much to Georgia not only through the beauty of arts and culture, but to the economy as well! Read more from Georgia Council for the Arts at the link below.  Read...
Study Arts | Stay Employed

Study Arts | Stay Employed

Arts+ According to the Cultural Learning Alliance’s 2017 “Key Research Findings: the value of cultural learning,” employability of students who study arts subjects is higher, and they are more likely to stay in employment. Read the full study at the...
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