A New Era for America
2025 brings a new era for American society. While historians will have a lot to interpret about the character of the Trump Era, we know America is changing greatly, and this is even without seismic shifts emanating from Washington, D.C.

Individually, we face ongoing struggles with physical and mental health in an economy where far too many individuals are bankrupted by medical costs, and struggling mightily with an epidemic of loneliness.
Because of this trove of issues, a movement has begun for a focus on a wellbeing economy in which, “rather than treating economic growth as an end in and of itself and pursuing it at all costs, [we put] our human and planetary needs at the centre of [our] activities, ensuring that these needs are all equally met, by default.” With this paradigm, society prioritizes living meaningful, healthy lives, not just merely surviving.
[R]ather than treating economic growth as an end in and of itself and pursuing it at all costs, [we should put] our human and planetary needs at the centre of [our] activities, ensuring that these needs are all equally met, by default.
We could and should enter a new age of arts advocacy where holistic approaches to creativity are infused into all realms of our wellbeing economy, particularly from the people, the populace, and the voters in grassroots movements.
In an era of diminishing faith in national institutions, especially if we see the expected cuts to the NEA and NEH, a new age of arts advocacy might focus on local government and community leadership in the Trump Era. (Keep in mind that federal dollars still fund a lot of creativity.) Americans who invest time, energy, and money in their beloved local arts organizations and institutions, from pottery sheds to knitting circles to community choirs, can realize a significant positive impact on their own mental health, community strength, and economic prosperity.
We at 4A Arts believe that our collective, societal, American wellbeing starts with arts, culture, design, and craft. With collective work, let’s create together this new age of arts advocacy.